Sabtu, 11 April 2009

You use life changes like rungs on a ladder. Growth, variety, beginnings and endings are constant elements in your life. You are able to let go of anything or anyone in order to further your growth. Because of this ability, coupled with a talent for translating new ideas into logical, useful explanations, you would make a great teacher and/or writer. Travel is something you are made for, even if only through your mind.

Soul Urge: 36 / 9
Like the number 6 soul urge, your life revolves around giving and receiving love. Your desire, however, includes the whole of humanity and a few races besides. Compassion, passion and forgiveness make up your essence and you are very generous and impressionable. The fine arts call out to you and you may in fact have a master artist living inside of you.

Personality: 50 / 5
You've got charisma, and a following to prove it. You live by your belief that change is progress, and so there tends to be a quick turn over in your relationships, jobs and even educational interests. You are the proverbial, " jack of all trades-master of none.", and this gives you a multi-dimensionality that befriends you to people of every walk of life. You are colorful in your dress and possess a magnetic sensuality.


pas nunggu interview,w nunggu d ruang klas1 SD Bhakti, di salah satu bangku, w nemuin diary...ternyata d SD itu muridnya d suruh nulis diary, mereka boleh nulis everthing that they feel,,,so gurux tw pa yg mreka rasain,mau,n harapkan,,,,,,begitu pntgx arti tmn,guru bwt mereka,,,mrk jg lbh kreatif,,,w jg bakal nerapin metode ini ke murid gw n anak2 gw kelak....biarpun testx susah tp gw dpt ilmu..something new,,,,,thax God. it's great to be a teacher....

still s.e.m.a.n.g.a.t

Ni hari gw test TOEFL n interview,sangking nerveousx gw pe protest soal salah pdhl bnr....maluuuuuuu...!!!! dah gt pas interview gw di tanya mcm2, ya gw jawab pa dax tanpa ilangin karakter gw yg ceplas ceplos,terbuka,n pa dax......duhhh ketrima g ya???? but i'm trying on keep optimist....i believe i can...yes i can....!!!!

Jumat, 10 April 2009


duh....minggu yg berat bwt gw..tgl8 kmrn w test di SD BHAKTI YKKP, testx susah bgt...da micro teaching,pas di kasi tw kudu micro smpt shock..secara w g nyiapin apa2,mana kudu da lesson plan, dadakan dunkz...ancurrrrr...mana pas micro kudu ngajar yg bkn FAK w, w ngajar IPS klas6, g susah c..tapi yg namax dadakan pst g karuan's time 4 yg jaga lgsg ketua yayasan,LITBANG dll.....Ya Allah..untung w g nervous coz anakx pintar2(SD unggulan bo') biz micro lgsg dah test tulis......tambah susah lagi...siruh bikin soal matematika....aaarrrrggghhhhhh itu subject yg plg w indarin dah....pasrah ja dah.....bsk tuh da test TOEFL n wawancara....huh..pray n try dah....mudah2an w ktrima, jd w bs dkt kluarga d jak....